The official website.
Recall Brandon Johnson

Mayor of Chicago.

No one thought it could get any WORSE...

We Are Seeking Volunteers!

We're fighting for a historic change in Chicago. - The ability to recall a failing or unpopular mayor
from the voters, residents, tax payers, businesses, city employees, etc.

Anyone with a voice or a skill to offer!  Help with online organizing and social media, promotion.
If you can place our sign in your business window that would be a help!

Contact us with your ideas and how you would life to help:

Welcome to the Official Recall Brandon Johnson website.

Recall Brandon Johnson is a website made by concerned Chicago residents and businesses who are fed up with being ignored and with the complete lack of transparency from this administration. This website is designed to be informative, and provide a clear path to what needs to be done. Whatever your reason to recall your vote, is your personal reason. You found the right website and movement we hope you will share.

Chicago citizens are demanding accountability from politicians and the Mayor!

Springfield has dragged their feet long enough when it comes to giving Chicago the law it needs get  - It shouldn't be a FREE ride when a corrupt or incompetent mayor gets in for four years.

Right now, there is NO mechanism to recall a Chicago Mayor, and waiting three more years is no option anymore when these politicians keeping getting elected.

So they can recall an elected mayor who is failing to do their job, who ignores the voters and their constituents, is corrupt or incompetent.  They want and deserve from the people they vote into office.

HB3511 was a bill introduced in 2021-2022 that would've given Chicago the right to recall their mayor. The bill failed to progress and never made it to the Governors desk. Follow the links below.

You can help spread the word about this Chicago recall movement. This would be the best win ever for Chicago voters, the right to remove an incompetent or corrupt Mayor from office.

For more information, please visit the official website at

No mayor has bigger shoulders than the Great People of Chicago.

Welcome to the Official Recall Mayor Brandon Johnson website.

Recall Brandon Johnson is a website made by concerned Chicago residents who are FED UP with being ignored and with the complete lack of transparency from this administration. This website is designed to be informative, and provide a clear path to what needs to be done. Whatever your reason to recall your vote, is your personal reason. You found the right website and movement we hope you will share.

Chicago tax payers DEMAND accountability from politicians and the Mayors office.

Springfield has dragged their feet long enough when it comes to giving Chicago residents the law to remove a corrupt, or incompetent mayor whose policies are clearly hurt the people of Chicago.

It shouldn't be a FREE four year ride for any politician.
A recall law would force elected officials to do their jobs and would bring a new level of accountability, transparency for the great people of Chicago.

Right now, there is NO mechanism to recall a Chicago Mayor, and waiting three more years is no option anymore when these politicians keeping getting elected.

So they can recall an elected mayor who is failing to do their job, who ignores the voters and their constituents, is corrupt or incompetent. They want and deserve from the people they vote into office.

HB3511 was a bill introduced in 2021-2022 that would've given Chicago the right to recall their mayor. The bill failed to progress and never made it to the Governors desk.

- Click here to find out more about this and to sign the petition we are sending to local Alderman and the Congressmen representing Chicago!

You can help spread the word about this Chicago recall movement. This would be the best win ever for Chicago voters, the right to remove an incompetent or corrupt Mayor from office.

For more information, please visit the official website at

Image of Mayor Brandon Johnson.

Only 7 months into this administration and the writing is already on the wall..

Brandon Johnson is a FAIL for Chicago.

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